maandag 2 juli 2018

Yerba Mate Ice Tea (Tereré)

Yerba mate ice tea is the national beverage of Paraguay. Yes, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil (Southern), have also made it their national beverage of choice. (See how great this plant is?) However, Paraguay is the reigning champ when it comes to tereré, or what we’d simply call cold yerba mate. Paraguay is the Tony Soprano of yerba mate.
Traditionally, yerba mate ice tea is consumed from a mate gourd, or guampa. The raw herb (yerba) is added to the vessel—sometimes with the inclusion of additional herbs— and cold ice water and juice are poured into the gourd, then drunk with a traditional metal straw with a filter called a bombilla.
Brewing cold yerba mate is refreshing and restorative during the humid summer months. Charged with vitamins, minerals, and generous amounts of antioxidants, yerba mate is no second contender when it comes to healthy beverages. Even a cursory look into its myriad health benefits will have anyone convinced of its efficacy as a healing herb and social drink.
Step 1. Heat 1 Liter of water to about 160ºF (never boiling).
Step 2. Add 5 grams of yerba mate (1 heaping teaspoon) per 8oz (340 ml) of water to a frenchpress (i.e., add 4–5 teaspoons to a 32oz (1 l) frenchpress or tea infester).
Step 3. Brew your yerba mate for 5–10 minutes, then pour into a pitcher and allow to cool down (15 minutes min.).
You can now serve your cold yerba mate over ice or place in the fridge to get colder. Experiment by adding some natural sweeteners (agave, raw honey, etc.) or some fresh mint and lemon verbena leaves.

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