zondag 15 augustus 2010

Paella rijst

Bomba rice cooks differently than other types of rice in that the grains widen significantly instead of only becoming longer. The key feature of what makes Bomba the best is that the grain is much harder than any other variety in the world, thus allowing it to absorb more liquid (and thus flavor!) This rice maintains it’s consistency even under extended cooking; it never becomes sticky, fluffy, or mushy. Even though it absorbs more liquid than ordinary rice varieties, the grains remain separate and individually loose from one another; a desired feature for paella cooking. The texture itself leans toward an appealing, moist firmness. It has a nice mild flavor, very present yet not too sweet or nutty, nor will it interfere with even the subtlest of sauces.
The best feature: It’s very difficult to overcook. Although it’s the ultimate for paella, it’s incredible for all types of rice dishes giving them its distinct, very appealing characteristics.

zie www.hotpaelle.com

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